
Blog & News

Sep 17th 2022

How to Avoid Cryptocurrency Scams: Part 1

There are several actions you can take to avoid being scammed. If you notice any of the signs, you shouldn’t click on any links, dial a phone number, contact them in any way, or send them money. Additionally:

  • Ignore requests to give out your private cryptocurrency keys. Those keys control your crypto and wallet access, and no one needs them in a legitimate cryptocurrency transaction.
  • Ignore promises that you’ll make lots of money.
  • Ignore investment managers who contact you and say they can grow your money quickly.
  • Ignore celebrities—a celebrity will not contact people about buying cryptocurrency.
  • Meet your romantic interests in person before giving them money if you’re using an online dating website or app.
  • Ignore text messages and emails from well-known or new companies, saying your account is frozen or they are worried about it.
  • If you receive an email, text, or social media message from a government, law enforcement agency, or utility company stating that your accounts or assets are frozen, and that you’ll need to send crypto or money, contact the agency and ignore the message.
  • Ignore job listings to be a cash-to-crypto converter or crypto miner.
  • Do not fall for claims about explicit material they have of you that they will post unless you send cryptocurrency, and report it.
  • Don’t accept “free” money or crypto.